Chimpanzee Tracking

In the misty jungles of Uganda and Rwanda

Chimpanzee Tracking in Uganda & Rwanda

Chimpanzees are Sociable, intelligent as well as communicative with an ability to utilize tools like rocks for crushing nuts, empty pods for hollowing out water plus sticks for capturing termites from their holes. Chimpanzees spend most of their time in trees although they spend some time on the ground looking for food comprising of leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers.

An average well grown male chimpanzee weighs between 35 and 70 kilograms, with a height of approximately 3 meters whereas and an adult female chimpanzee weighs between 26 and 50 kilograms and a height between 2 and 4 feet with life expectancy at 40 years and those living in captivity up to 60 years.

Chimpanzees stay in groups between 10 to 100 members known as a troupe babysitting each other’s young and grooming one another. Chimpanzees look after their young up to the age of 4 years where they become independent.

Kibale Forest National Park

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience takes you on an adventure of a lifetime while you accompany Kibale’s researchers and habituation at chimpanzee during their daily activities, thereby getting used to human presence without changing their nature. During your tour, expect to come across the chimps de-nesting between 05.30 to 06.30, stay with them throughout the day till they make new nests and the night around 19.00hrs.

Rules and regulations while Chimpanzee tracking

Rules and regulations are put in place to ensure the protection and conservation of chimpanzees and to protect the visitor from any confrontation of attack from the chimpanzees.

  • In case you realize that you have flu or diarrhea please don’t enter the park for conservation of the chimpanzees. Your money will be refunded or you will be allowed to track on a later date.
  • Avoid eating near the chimpanzees to ensure that they don’t attack you.
  • Children below the age of 12 are prohibited from entering the park.
  • Maintain a distance of just about 8m between you and the chimps to avoid them from feeling suffocated.
  • The Uganda Wildlife Authority guide is the only one to help get access to the forest.


  • Chimps need freedom, therefore, no provoking them once you enter the park.
  • Flash photography is not allowed in the park.
  • Do not litter the park, please carry back whatever you take with you.

Chimpanzee tracking is a fascinating experience as you track and spend an amazing hour with these impressive creatures. 

Although you are required to book in advance for tracking adventure as the number of chimpanzee trekking permits for each day is restricted.

What to carry to a chimpanzee Trek?

  • Ensure to wear shoes that have a good grip, suitable for climbing steep moist
    muddy slopes since the forest trials are mostly muddy.
  • Wear long-sleeved as this will protect them from the pricking thickets as you move through the verdant jungle
  • The weather is unpredictable and thus do not forget rain gear.
  • Bring enough drinking water for re-hydration and enough energy bites.
  • Carry a pair of binoculars

Next to gorillas, chimpanzees are one of the most popular and sought after primate species with their population in Uganda at close to 5000 chimpanzees.Chimpanzees were even hunted for food or sold as pets.Sometimes chimpanzees have been caught in snares meant for other animals such as antelopes, and many of these snares are deadly enough to kill the clueless chimpanzees.

Nyungwe Forest

Where to go for Chimpanzee Tracking in Uganda?

Uganda is one of the best destinations in East Africa to see chimpanzees with various forests and national parks. You can opt for either chimpanzee tracking or a chimpanzee habituation experience.

Below are some of the national parks and forests where you can successfully conduct a chimpanzee trekking safari

Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale forest offers both chimpanzee tacking and the Chimpanzee Habituation Experience. Kibale forest is home to about 12 other primates.

Kibale Forest National Park is the only one that offers the chimpanzee habituation experience where you get to experience a day with researchers who are involved in the chimpanzee habituation process.

Kyambura Gorge

Kyambura gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park and has great grounds for tracking chimpanzees. Kyambura Gorge is part of the Western Rift Valley providing such a unique setting and backdrop for chimpanzee tracking. Tracking chimpanzees in Kyambura gorge offers chimpanzee tracking permits cheaper than those for the Kibale forest.

Budongo Forest

Budongo Forest is another place to go chimpanzee tracking on your safari in Uganda and is only 4 hours from Kampala.

You might come across a chimpanzee outside a national park such as in the Buniga forest, the Bigodi wetlands sanctuary, and the Bwindi impenetrable forest. To go on any chimpanzee adventure in Uganda, you need a chimpanzee permit, for each park you visit. Permit prices vary with each park.

Gorilla Trekking Destinations


Bwindi Impenetrable NP


Volcanoes National Park

Mountain gorilla tracking, golden monkeys and cultural encounters.

Mgahinga National Park

Sharing floors with Volcanoes NP and Virunga NP in Congo