Kidepo Valley National Park


Kidepo Valley Safaris

Custom made family safaris to Kidepo Valley NP to see the Africa safari wildlife and beyond

Kidepo Off the beaten track Safari
Starts/Ends: Entebbe

Kidepo Off the beaten track Safari

Murchison and Kidepo Valley Savanna Safari

Starts/Ends: Entebbe
Kidepo Off the beaten track Safari
20 DAY
Starts/Ends: Entebbe
Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley N.P

Family Destination / Game Drives Safaris

The sprawling savannah, soaring mountains, spectacular landscapes, and great buffalo herds Kidepo Valley National Park offers one of the most attractive picturesque in Africa.
At 1,442 sq km/s Kidepo Valley National Park is founded on the rocky semi-arid Karamoja province.

As of the most remote and unusual safari destination in Uganda, crammed in the corner of the border of Uganda with Kenya and, Kidepo National Park offers breathtaking savannah scenery, that end into a rocky horizon.
The park harbors scenery unrivaled by any other national park in the whole of East Africa and it features a wide latitudinal array that offers a variety of climatic conditions that support remarkably different vegetation.

The diverse vegetation facilitates the different assortment of animal species within the park which are equally plentiful among which are a number not seen in other parts of this country. The wildlife and vegetation in the park are rather more characteristic of Kenya than Uganda.

Wildlife and birdlife in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo National Park inhabits 463 bird species and animal species of over 77 species, among the resident Carnivore species only endemic to Kidepo are the hunting dog, bat-eared fox, cheetah, striped hyena, caracal,aardwolf, Beisa Oryx, Lesser Kudu plus Grant’s gazelle, ephants, orbis, burchell’s zebras, jackson’s hartebeests, bush pigs, cape buffaloes, bohor reed bucks, warthogs, defassa water bucks, rothschild giraffes, bush duskier and elands, bush bucks, in addition to lions, common zebras, leopards, plus a number of small cats such as the side-striped jackal, Kangoni, black-backed jackal spotted hyena, lions are seen to rest on the rocks.

The park has five primate species including the Kavirondo bush baby being the most endemic, numerous Orbis within the Narus Valley, Guenther’s Dik Dik, the Senegal Galago and the White-tailed Mongoose however these can best be seen on a night game drive.

Kidepo National Park is a haven for birders with a great diversity of birds among which are Ostriches, Silverbird, the Yellow-billed Shrike, Yellow-rumped Seedeater, Broad-tailed Warblers, Marsh Tchagra & Crimson-rumped Waxbillood, African Moustached, Clapperton’s Francolin, the Black Coucal,Superb Starling, Vinaceous Dove, Brown-backed Woodpecker, Hoopoe, Little Green Bee-eater, Long-tailed & Standard-winged Nightjars, White-bellied Tit , Mosque Swallow, Karamoja Apalis, Nubian Woodpecker, Red-fronted & Black-breasted Barbets, Pygmy Falcon, African Grey Flycatcher, Ruppell’s & Superb Starlings, Scarlet-chested Sunbird, Ostrich, Eastern Yellow & Jackson’s Hornbills, Red-winged Lark, Little Weaver & Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu, Fan-tailed Raven, White-bellied & Hartlaub’s Bustards, Abyssinian & Rufous-crowned Rollers, Eastern Pale Chanting Go-shawk, Slate-coloured Boubou, Green-winged, White-faced Scoops Owl, Orange-winged & Red-winged Pytilia Yellow-necked Spurfowl, Four-banded SandGrouse, Red billed Oxpecker, Bruce’s Green Pigeon, Abyssinian Ground, Rose-ringed Parakeet, Rufous & Chestnut Sparrow, Black-headed Plover, Kori, Pygmy & Beautiful Sunbirds, Violet-tipped Courser, Ethiopian Swallow, Foxy & Red pate Cisticolas,  Brown-rumped Bunting , Yellow-spotted Petronia, Northern White-crowned and Yellow-billed Shrikes Eastern Violet backed, White-browed & Chestnut- crowned Sparrow Weavers,Mouse-coloured Penduline Tit, Steel-blue & Straw Tailed Whydahs, Pied, African Swallow-tailed Kite, Isabelline & Heuglin’s Whea-ters, Black-bellied & Black-faded Waxbill, Fox Kestrel, Grey-capped Social & Speckle-fronted Weavers, Clapperton’s & Heuglin’s Francolins, White-headed and White-billed Buffalo Weavers, Singing Bush lark, Stone Partridge.

Eventually you can tick off most of the avian species on your bucket list while in Kidepo Valley  National Park.

Accommodation in Kidepo Valley National Park

Within the park there establishments set for travellers to enjoy their visit to Kidepo Valley National Park.The park does not have many options, so you are advised to book in advance while the rooms last.

Apoka Safari Lodge

Apoka Safari Lodge offers views of wild animals at your door-steps as you are in the middle of beautiful wonders. Apoka Safari Lodge has established a heaven experience and class encompassed you in the middle of this African Wild.

Kidepo Savannah Lodge

Placed on the edge of the park, Kidepo Savannah Lodge offers unparalleled vistas of the expansive Narus Valley, Mount Morungole and the distant mountain ranges which form the border with Southern Sudan.

Apoka Rest Camp

The lodge blends in rather than stick out,  with 16 self contained chalets,with regard to visitors who choose camping, this park has  ‘Do it yourself’ camping grounds. Where you have to carry your own tent along with other camping gear.

Activities in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park is one of the most remote parks in east Africa and probably one of the least visited. The park has an amazing African wilderness and less crowded with a scenic beauty alongside an abundance of wildlife.

Cultural Encounters

Cultural Encounters

There is a local cultural group of entertainers perform a variety of entertainment such as traditional dances including the Emuya of the Nyangia plus the Naporre ethnic groups as well as the Larakaraka and the Apiti dances.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Uganda & Rwanda


The beautiful Kidepo river valley mainly covered by Borassus palm forest can be visited through most of the year. Hiking is conducted just a short distance from the headquarters of the park on the Lamoj Mountains alongside the Kanangorok hot springs.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Uganda & Rwanda

Mount Morungole

The mountain and the savannah landscape within the park, the Narus valley found in the southwestern part of the park are splendid attractions within Kidepo. The Lotukei Mountains form the northern and southern boundaries of this park.

Nature Walks & Hiking

Nature Walks

Take a nature walk and enhance your knowledge on the African culture as you visit the Karimojong homesteads which are locally referred to as manyattas. For those interested, they can purchase souvenirs from the tourist offices of the park.

This park is remote but it won’t remain unvisited much longer since more and more people are learning of its existence, its beauty, and its scenic beauty.

Family Wildlife Viewing

Game Viewing

Kidepo National Park supports a wonderful variety of animal species, among the resident Carnivore species only endemic to Kidepo, are the hunting dog, bat-eared fox, cheetah, striped hyena, caracal, and aardwolf. Some of the species considered to be locally extinct are Beisa Oryx, Lesser Kudu plus Grant’s gazelle.

However among the commonly seen species are Elephants, oribis, burchell’s zebras, jackson’s hartebeests, bush pigs, cape buffaloes, bohor reed bucks, warthogs, defassa water bucks, rothschild giraffes, bush duskier and elands, bush bucks, in addition to lions, common zebras, leopards, plus a number of small cats such as the side-striped jackal, Kangoni, black-backed jackal and spotted hyena. The tree climbing lions are seen to rest in the branches of the sausage trees close to the Narus Valley or on the rock.

The park has five primate species including the Kavirondo bush baby being the most endemic, numerous Orbis within the Narus Valley, Guenther’s Dik Dik, the Senegal Galago and the White-tailed Mongoose however these can best be seen on a night game drive.